Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Herreshoff Marine Museum needs help

We all know that Bristol is a beautiful and patriotic place. It should come as no surprise that the outside world is discovering this. In addition to being named a 2009 Distinctive Destination by the National Trust, it was just ranked number 9 by Peter Greenberg, travel editor of NBC's Today show, from among 25 top US cities and towns that best embrace American core values. In keeping with this theme, the Herreshoff Marine Museum is looking for a flag volunteer. Someone to put up and take down their large American flag every day for the summer. Do you know of anyone who would like to do this? Perhaps a veteran, a patriotic citizen or just someone who would enjoy it? The flag needs to be put up at 8 am and taken down sometime around sunset. Please give Terry Souto a call at the Herreshoff Marine Museum at 401 253 5000 or email her at if you can help or know of someone who can. The Herreshoff Marine Museum is also looking for a few good volunteers to help out in the gift shop, to be docents and to help out with the sailing school.

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